SSL Checker & SSL Test tool

Use our SSL Checker and SSL Test tools to secure your website and perform a study and verification of your SSL/TLS certificates.

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What is SSL checker

SSL Checker is usually used when one decides to verify and evaluate the security of SSL/TLS certificates used on websites. Other names for this tool include SSL Test, HTTPS Checker, SSL Verification Tool, and SSL Certificate Checker. To ensure that SSL/TLS certificates are installed appropriately, safely, and in line with the most recent security requirements, the tool is used to scan and assess them.

The SSL Checker can also be used for certificate transparency checking, certificate expiration checking, SSL/TLS certificate inspection, and SSL configuration checking. The SSL Checker API allows developers to integrate SSL checking into their applications. The SSL Checker can also be used for online SSL checking for multiple domains. The tool performs SSL security checks to detect potential vulnerabilities, including SSL cipher suite checking and TLS checking. The SSL Analyzer and SSL Validator feature provides detailed reports and recommendations for improving the security of SSL/TLS certificates.

What are types of ssl certificates?

1. Domain Validated (DV) SSL Certificates:
A DV SSL certificate is the most basic type of SSL certificate, and it is typically used for small websites or blogs. It verifies only that the domain name matches the certificate.

2. Organization Validated (OV) SSL Certificates:
An OV SSL certificate verifies that the domain name is registered to a legitimate organization, and it includes additional information such as the organization's name and location.

3. Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates:
An EV SSL certificate is the highest level of SSL certificate available, and it provides the most extensive verification process. It includes all the information of an OV SSL certificate, as well as additional validation steps to confirm the identity and legitimacy of the organization.

4. Wildcard SSL Certificates:
A Wildcard SSL certificate is used to secure multiple subdomains of a domain name, such as and

5. Multi-Domain SSL Certificates (also known as Subject Alternative Name or SAN certificates):
A Multi-Domain SSL certificate allows a single certificate to secure multiple domain names or subdomains, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses with several websites or web applications.

6. Unified Communications (UC) SSL Certificates:
A UC SSL certificate is used to secure Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft Office Communications Server environments.

7. Code Signing SSL Certificates:
A Code Signing SSL certificate is used to digitally sign software, applications, and code to verify the authenticity and integrity of the code.

Frequently Asked Questions About SSL Checker and SSL Certificates

Have questions? Here are the most common questions about SSL Checker and SSL certificates to ensure your website is secure.

SSL is very important for website security because it encrypts data, preventing it from being intercepted or changed by unauthorized third parties.

This is a digital certificate that verifies the website's identity and encrypts data sent between the website and a user's browser. SSL certificates are provided by Certificate Authorities (CAs) and can be obtained by website owners to safeguard their sites.

An SSL Checker is a tool that allows website owners to check the status of their SSL certificate and ensure that it is installed correctly and securely. The tool checks for issues such as expired certificates, incorrect domain names, and weak encryption and provides recommendations for improving security.

You should purchase one from a Certificate Authority (CA) or use a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt. You will need to follow specific instructions provided by your CA to install the certificate on your web server.

You can test your SSL certificate with an SSL Test tool to detect any potential vulnerabilities or issues. Also, you can use it to verify it's working correctly and the website is safe.

Common issues with SSL certificates include expired certificates, incorrect domain names, and weak encryption. These issues can be fixed by renewing your certificate, ensuring that your certificate matches your domain name, and using strong encryption methods.

An HTTPS Checker is a tool that checks whether a website is using HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), which is a secure version of HTTP that uses SSL/TLS encryption. HTTPS is an essential component of website security and is necessary for protecting sensitive user data.

TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a successor to SSL and is used to secure data transmission between web servers and web browsers. TLS is similar to SSL in many ways but uses stronger encryption methods and offers better security features.

Certificate Transparency Checker is a tool that checks a log of SSL certificates to detect security threats or fraudulent certificates. Certificate Transparency is an important aspect of SSL security and helps ensure that SSL certificates are issued correctly and securely.

An SSL Handshake The SSL/TLS handshake between the web server and web browser has failed, according to the failed error message. A few potential causes of this issue include an invalid or expired SSL certificate, an inappropriate SSL configuration, or a problem with the web server. When the SSL Handshake fails, the web server and web browser are unable to create a secure connection, and the user may notice an error or warning in their browser. To resolve this issue, website owners should verify the setup of their SSL certificate, confirm that it is current and legitimate, and ensure that their web server is configured properly to employ SSL/TLS encryption.

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